Blog Post

A Time of Worship

Choir –

For some reason, God has laid it on my heart to write this email, at this very instant and encourage you to come to choir tomorrow night, and show up to lead in worship on Sunday morning.

IT WOULD BE SO MUCH EASIER NOT TO. Think about how God has specifically called you, and gifted you, and given you the desire to sing. The ONLY thing that Satan wants to do is destroy that, or take away your opportunity, and he’s working hard, trying to present every excuse and every obstacle to keep you from being here. Don’t let him. Come tomorrow night (Wednesday). Even if you can’t come Sunday morning, come tomorrow night. Come Worship Christ. Take one hour, and give thanks for how He’s working in your life.

The songs we’re doing this weekend are easy. That’s intentional! My hope is that you are able to worship undistracted, and through that worship, others would be lead to the throne.

Call me if you have any questions. If you haven’t been the last two weeks, that’s OK – I promise. No one’s taking role. It’s a time of worship. If you can’t come Wednesday night, show up on Sunday. It’s a time of Worship. If you’ve been “waiting until we start rehearsing Christmas music,” come join us now – it’s a time of worship. It’s a privilege, and God has specifically gifted you with the desire to sing! Come use that gift for His glory.


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