Blog Post

Friday Favorites 4.27.12

1.  Favorite thing i’ve seen a cat do – 

i still hate cats, but this is funny
2.  Favorite song to listen to on Thursday – 
Check this out – it’s from Beethoven’s 7th symphony, mvt 2.  Oh yeah – he wrote it completely deaf too….
3.  Favorite song to listen to on Friday – 
Now check this out, from the greatest rock and roll band ever.  I could geek out, telling you how great of  a drummer Neal Peart is, but I’m not going to.
4.  Favorite weekly scene from West Wing – 
Have you considered getting the series on DVD yet?
5.  Favorite line from upcoming Sunday morning worship service – 
Welcome to our Kids Musical “Esther-Ordinary Faith.”  (You don’t want to miss it – 9 and 10:45 AM)

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