Blog Post

Just in time for this weekend . . .

This week, Drake had a reading assignment, as he does every week. This week’s material was a reader’s theatre about Christmas and the “true meaning” of Christmas. They (characters in the theatre) went through suggestions like ornaments, or eating, or presents, and then arrived at the “true meaning” which was family and friends.

Drake – after finishing his reading – had to write 3 to 5 complete sentences. Mandy was putting the other boys down to bed. I was at church. This is what she discovered after she came down from bath and bedtime.

The picture says this:
“It [the reader’s theatre] reminds me of my family, and the joy of each and every Christmas we spent together. And the manger scene. It’s not about the presents and decorations, it’s all about Jesus and his birth. Every Christmas I think about how God had changed my life in the past year.


Drake – after completing his assignment, wrote a letter to his teacher.

It says this:

“Dear Mrs. Young,”
Christmas is not about presents and decorations. It’s about Jesus and his birthday. It has never been about presents and decorations and it will never be but, as you get older and hear people say that it’s about presents or decorations or maybe feasts, tell them about the story of Jesus birth. And I thank God for you.

Love, Drake


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