When you read Scripture – do you find yourself using your imagination? As you read through the gospel accounts of the lIfe of Jesus, are you remembering that these events happened in space and time? Have you ever wondered what it might have been like to be one of those in the crowd, astonished, in awe, doubtful, overwhelmed, desperate …. I think that one of the reasons we’re given so many vivid pictures of those around Jesus is that we’re to be reminded that we ARE those same people. They experienced some of the same feelings, thoughts, and emotions that we deal with daily.
This Sunday morning, as you worship with us, consider these texts that are declaring immeasurable truths about our Savior, our desperation, and the redemption we have secured through His sacrifice. Allow your imagination to think through feelings and emotions you might have had as a part of the crowd – desperate to get to Christ, or as one of His disciples – daily overwhelmed by the miracles, the parables, the presence of God Himself. Experience with us the desperation from our sin, the redemption through His blood, and the promise of hope through His resurrection.
Join us this Sunday for Come As You Are – our Easter Season worship service. During the service if you know the tune, sing along. This Sunday isn’t a performance, a spectacular, a program, or a presentation. It’s a worship service, and the only focus is the honor and glory of our King. Come with a hungry heart, and a thirsty soul. Come expecting your desperation to find His perfect peace. Come with your joys and your burdens, your longings and heartaches, your sin and repentance, your brokenness and longing for healing. Come as you are.