Our kids choir will be presenting their new musical Please Come Home tomorrow night at the Lovelady Center.
If your child is coming – please see below for important information:
We are so excited to have the opportunity to present “Please Come Home” at the Lovelady Center on Monday, April 25 at 6:00pm.
All students will need to arrive at the center by 5:15pm. This exciting service opportunity is open to all students that learned the musical. We’re wanting to take as large a group as possible.
We’re privileged to get to serve the ladies with a feast before the program. We are in need of donations to help offset the cost of the dinner for the ladies. We want to feed 400 ladies, and we anticipate a cost of around $2000. We have to get this cost taken care of by outside donations, as this wasn’t a budgeted item. Greg Mixon is our point-person for the fund raising. You can write a check to the church, and note in the memo blank “Mercy – Lovelady Center.” If you don’t note this – the funds won’t be applied to this effort.
Your kids will wear jeans and a solid color t-shirt. The drama and dance portion of the musical will be shown via DVD from the March 6 performance. All the singing will be live.
The center is located at 7916 2nd Avenue South, Birmingham, AL. Please see the map below for directions.
[googlemaps https://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=7916+2nd+Avenue+South,+Birmingham,+AL&aq=&sll=33.563718,-86.722757&sspn=0.02092,0.03077&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=7916+2nd+Ave+S,+Birmingham,+Alabama+35206&ll=33.563946,-86.72319&spn=0.021671,0.03077&z=14&output=embed&w=425&h=350]