Summers is drawing rapidly to a close. In just 6 days we have our bullfrog choir, our youth ministry returns from their summer mission trips, band camps at local schools get fired up, and before we know it – school is back in session. It’s been a quick summer!
Yesterday’s worship set was all about the One who at His name, every knee shall bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth. David Conrad preached yesterday – you need to go listen if you were unable to catch it live…
We opened with our new tune – Soul on Fire.
After our call to worship we sang I Am, Crown Him With Many Crowns, Holy, and Agnus Dei.
Our offering song was No Other Name, and we even did a closing song Revelation Song to wrap up David’s sermon from Revelation 4 and 5.
Join us next week for our 12th Annual Bullfrog Choir!