
Choir has resumed

I love my choir. Wednesday nights - from 6 to 7 is the hour of every week that I always look forward to. I wish I could get across to everyone that attends OMPC just how unique our choir is. We don't require music reading experience. We don't require attendance every week - in fact, no one takes role. We are merely a community of people that love Jesus and want to spend time in worship through singing.I've been amazed over the last few years at how God has brought people through the worship ministry, especially through the choir, and…
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Jesus Laughing

Do you ever think about Jesus laughing? How would other Christians, or more importantly, other non-Christians view Christ by watching you? I was thinking about this today as I thought about what the Church does or doesn't do in the name of being "Christian." I think that sometimes we forget that Jesus probably had quite a bit of humor in his life, his friendships, his ministry. It made me begin to wonder how people might look at me, or the worship ministry, or OMPC, or churches in Birmingha, and furthermore, what's the picture of Christ that they are getting? Do…
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The Advent Season

Alright, so every year since I’ve been here we’ve opened ourChristmas program with a video montage showing most ofthe popular Christmas movies and their “version” of whatChristmas really means, or what the Christmas message is, orwhat the true meaning of Christmas is, etc. It’s funny thatthe only one that gets it right is Charlie Brown’s Christmas,back from 1965. The reason we use it every year is to serveas a reminder of that precious focus for the season of Advent.Advent becomes a refining time for me and the WorshipMinistry. Because of the busyness of the season, it’s so easyto get distracted,…
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I'm Sad.

We have a ecumenical ministry in town that serves a certain demographic of our population.  They are specifically geared for this demographic, and are intentional in every aspect of their ministry offering - time, place, content, etc.  So I have a volunteer that wanted to get involved.  This person is FANTASTIC in their facet of leading in worship, and wanted to offer their talent to Christ in this other venue.  This person is in the MIDDLE of the demographic that this ministry is trying to reach, has a great heart, and truly wants to serve in however God is calling.  So…
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The Herbrew Words for Praise, part VI

6.ZAMAR - zaw-mar - To sing with instruments. To make music accompanied by the voice. One of the musical verbs for praise in the book of psalms. It carries the idea of making music in praise to God as in Psalm 92:1. The word ZAMAR also means to touch the strings, and refers to praise that involves instrumental worship as in Psalm 150. The one word is usually translated "sing praises".I've been having several discussions lately about participation in worship, and how we are seeking to use more and more instruments and technology in worship.  The thought occurs that we…
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"For the THINGS I have made it"

I love the song "Heart of Worship."  I think Matt Redman and his wife nailed it when they wrote that song.  It may be church urban legend, but rumor has it that the song was written for a church that went without music for several months because the congregation couldn't agree on what style of music to play.  The pastor canned the song service from the Sunday morning schedule for several months, and after which, "Heart of Worship" was sung to restart the congregation singing again.So as we sang it this morning, I started thinking about the words in the…
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TV shows I watch

Or better titled - TV shows that I TIVO and watch parts of. . . Seriously - like anyone cares:Scrubs - I love it. I love Dr. Cox's character.The OfficeHouseStudio 60 on the Sunset StripTV shows I REFUSE to watch:American Idol (after the first 3 weeks). Once they start taking themselves seriously, I'm out.The Surviver, Bachelor, Big Brother, and all the other really dumb "reality" TV shows.Anything on MTVAnything that plays on the big 4 networks during the day.Baseball.Soccer.NFL Football
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