
How did your worship go today?

I often forget that our worship is not confined to the hour on Sunday morning (or Sunday night and Wednesday night if you're in a church that offers). God's called us to worship at work, at home, with our interactions wiht strangers, and friends. He's called us to worship as we enjoy His creation, and as we work, live, and fellowship within it. So how did your worship go today?
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The Hebrew Words for Praise, part II

2.TEHILLAH -teh-hil-law- to sing, to laud. A spontaneous new song. Singing from a melody in your heart by adding words to it. This refers to a special kind of singing-it is singing unprepared, unrehearsed songs. Brings tremendous unity to the body of Christ. Singing straight to God. Can move into tehilah anytime. Singing it the second time would be ZAMAR. It is the praise that God inhabits (sits enthroned on)(Psalm 22:3) God manifests Himself in the mids of exuberant singing. Scripture: Psalms 22:3, 34:1, 40:3, 66:2, 2 Chronicles 20:22 When was the last time you had a spotaneous song? When…
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The Worship Choir @ OMPC

If there's one thing that I want to continually communicate about the choir, it's that the Worship Choir is open to anyone - and I mean anyone. You DON'T have to have a great singing voice. You DON'T have to be able to read music. You DON'T have to make a lifetime committment and give up every Wednesday night. You DO have to have a heart for worship, and a desire to get plugged into an exciting group of fellowship, community, and worship. We meet every Wednesday night from 6-7. If you have to be late? No problem, come when…
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New Groups

Check out a group called MuteMath. I used a song of theirs in church a few weeks ago. What tremendous hearts these guys have for Christ! Here's the thing. They refuse to compromise on their values, and on their "style" because it would take them out of a circle of influence that they have for the lost. They have sacrificed money and "fame" in the mainstream CCM market in order to be used of God to play in places where they wouldn't be welcomed if they were labelled as CCM artists.Buy their stuff. Attend their concerts. Help them reach the…
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The Hebrew Words for Praise

YADAH - yaw-daw - to worship with the extended hand. The giving of oneself in worship and adoration. To lift your hands unto the Lord. It carries the meaning of absoulute surrender as a young child does to a parent - "pick me up, I'm all yours". Scriptures: Gen. 29:35, 2 Chron. 7:6, 20:21, Psalms 9:1, 28:7, Psalms 33:2, 42:5,11, 49:18, Isaiah 12:1Absolute surrender during worship? What would that look like? How many of us absolutely surrender when watching a football game; attending a concert; being with friends; enjoying the company of family . . . what does "absolute surrender"…
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Worship Style!

Not blended, balanced, traditional, contemporary, post-modern, emergent, neo-classical. . . .  simply focused.  Focused on bringing excellence to God's throne.  I define excellence as doing the best you can with what you're given.  This transcends music style, personalities, personnel, equipment, instruments, numbers, and brings the worshipper to a new understanding and awareness of our sinful, yet redeemed nature, and what should be our gratitude, magnified by a melted heart in God's presence.  Furthermore,  we are reminded that we only stand, sit, kneel, bow, lay prostrate before, exalt, lift hands, cry out, sing aloud in that presence if ushered in through…
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Fall Schedule for OMPC Worship Ministry

Worship Choir - every Wednesday night in the choir room from 6-7. Childcare, drinks, snacks provided. Open to anyone!Praise Team/Band rehearsal - every Wednesday night from 7-9. Praise team membership consists of choir members. Praise teams are scheduled and sing about once every/6 weeks.Fall Schedule - August 27th - Worship Choir leads in worshipSeptember 6th - Worship Choir begins rehearsing Christmas MusicOctober 15th - OMPC Home Missions ConferenceOctober 22nd - Worship Choir leads in worship.December 3rd - Children's Choir Christmas Program - 6:00 PMDecember 10th - Worship Choir Christmas Program - 8:30 and 10:30 AMDecember 24th - Normal Sunday services…
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Our Church Technology *Updated*

I'm revamping this post, as I wrote this when we were still worshipping in the gym. Moving into the sanctuary changed a few things.Everything geared for the volunteer as far as ease of use and execution.FOH console - Yamaha CL5 with Waves Soundgrid Extreme ServerOutboard gear:Tascam CD-500B CD PlayerTascam CD-RW900SL CD burnerTascam SS-R200 Hard disc recorderTascam TA-1VP Vocal processorClearCom PL Pro MS232 Comm Hub"Listen" Assisted Listening deviceFOH Line - 4 EAW Line arrays, loaded with KF730 and 730SB (subwoofers)6 mote SB600 subs.Front fill and delay ring speakers.Projection System - PC running songshowplus. Powerpoint is a "no-no" for worship. The earlier…
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Beware the Spiritual Attacks

I think that the supernatural is ever-present in our world. Example - I believe that Christ acts supernaturally through the Lord's Supper.I also believe that there is a very evil force that is working supernaturally against the Spirit of God and the building of His kingdom. I'm constantly amazed, but rarely surprised in the ways that the evil one chooses to attack. Whether through insecurity or pride, temptation, distraction, diversion . . . there seems to always be something trying to distract us from the main purpose - glorifying God and building His kingdom.
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The Top 25

I'm always amazed when I check the CCLI Top 25 list.  CCLI is the organization that helps artists get paid for their music being used in churches.  If churches (all churches) that are using contemporary music (anything not included in Public Domain) want to be legal, they must obtain a CCLI license.  Churches that have a CCLI license are required to report their Sunday morning songs for a period of 3 months, every three years.  This data is compiled into the top 25.  All this to say, I'm surprised at the number of "old" songs that churches are using, and using so…
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