Worship in Spirit and in Truth

The Worship Ministry team met last night, and we continued a great dialogue on worship philosophy type issues. One of the things mentioned was God seeking worshippers in Spirit and in Truth (dialogue with the woman at the well). What does God mean? What is He looking for? What does He/will He do when He finds them?Last Sunday, we did a song called the Stand for our offering song. Let me say this about our offering songs - the main ACT of worship during our offering song is bringing tithes and offerings. I usually do a song that is more…
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Video . . .

Will [My Tech Dir] is working on some lighting and positioning for a new video that we're shooting. I went to check on his setup, and we did a demo . . . http://www.blogger.com/img/videoplayer.swf?videoUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fvp.video.google.com%2Fvideodownload%3Fversion%3D0%26secureurl%3DqAAAABqQx1oQmSnIaATdhug8I95F2w7ksGEUPZL6UGTbqlmQuX3LMoLbLBpe9cy0nAdrUsbE-uNTBCHTvxWwvftK4N0lNfeFiQSQSKx30ZHF3aMDV4mkRu_tSmAn1TCraKn7Pmriw-frk0AP5hR4udC_xL8r29aB7VNAY2Zoq1CHXyILlCEXTYhsM2G07Ig7agYE-b7eaaSimT_BU94rHMbh5oSLOMcyjg0kNj_jeBip3glF%26sigh%3DAx-4XK5QC5_2iOBbaLBdZbSxaI8%26begin%3D0%26len%3D86400000%26docid%3D0&nogvlm=1&thumbnailUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fvideo.google.com%2FThumbnailServer2%3Fapp%3Dblogger%26contentid%3Dbcf3e1386e4b30ab%26offsetms%3D5000%26itag%3Dw320%26sigh%3Ds0YYtzzk7JAQdZRtIp1DW7EuGeA&messagesUrl=video.google.com%2FFlashUiStrings.xlb%3Fframe%3Dflashstrings%26hl%3Den
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Dear Finale . . .

you're so hard to love. Just when your users get over the ridiculous, unlinked changes you make in Finale 2007, you go and completely reinvent the software, making menus ever MORE difficult to navigate. You move functions around, and actually DELETE major functions . . .
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God of This City

Here is the story that I mentioned this morning regarding the song: God of This City.Nov 2006, Bluetree are heading out to Pattaya Thailand to participate in an event arranged by Belfast missionaries living in Pattaya, Thailand called Pattaya Praise. We’ve no expectation of the event; we were just looking for an opportunity to serve somehow.We didn’t know much about it before we left, but Pattaya is a dark place. It’s a small seaside town notorious for it’s sex trade. Throughout our time there we heard countless stories of girls who are bought from their parents for a price, sold…
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Church hands out 100% of donations

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Lent begins tomorrow . . .

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the season of Lent. Growing up Catholic, I would give up something for the 40 days before Easter - and mostly did it because it was what you did when you grew up Catholic - but this year, i'm giving something up, and the Sears family is also giving something up - as a daily reminder of the sacrifice, and a preparation for the celebration of Easter Sunday. Why 40 days? The 40 days of Lent echo the period of withdrawal of Jesus into the wilderness. The number 40 has several other Biblical references:…
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Kelly Clarkson . . .

Apparently she won a TV contest a few years ago . . . I'm not certain about that though.I heard a news report yesterday that she's gone on record saying that all of her pictures get photoshopped - that she isn't perfect - that she looks different in person than she does on the cover of her magazine: [In fact, she told the group of about 20 pre-teens gathered in Nashville Feb. 11 for a self-esteem workshop sponsored by Dove, "just to let you know everyone in the magazines is Photoshopped! Beyoncé is one of the most beautiful girls in…
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