Friday Favorites 3.20.15

Been a while since I've done the Friday Favorites - but they're back...1.  Favorite meeting  - [youtube]2.  Favorite children's story reading - [youtube]3.  Favorite reminder - [youtube]4.  Favorite line from upcoming Sunday morning worship service - "There's a place, where sin and shame are powerless, where my heart has peace with God and forgiveness..."
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Join us this Sunday for Come As You Are

When you read Scripture - do you find yourself using your imagination?  As you read through the gospel accounts of the lIfe of Jesus, are you remembering that these events happened in space and time?  Have you ever wondered what it might have been like to be one of those in the crowd, astonished, in awe, doubtful, overwhelmed, desperate ….  I think that one of the reasons we’re given so many vivid pictures of those around Jesus is that we’re to be reminded that we ARE those same people.  They experienced some of the same feelings, thoughts, and emotions that…
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My take on Blurred Lines and Got to Give It

Ridiculous.  $7.5 MILLION because something "reminds" you of something else?I could stop there, but i'll give just a bit more context and information.Disclaimer - I don't like Blurred Lines.  The Sears boys aren't allowed to listen to it.  From what I've seen of the video, it's tasteless.  But Pharrell made me happy with Happy - so...Blurred lines is in the key of G.  The tempo is about 118-120 BPM.  The chord progression is I, to V, and back to I.  And quite frankly - Pharrell sounds like Prince....  Maybe Prince should sue?Got to Give It is in the key of A.  The…
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A few new (old) audio clips

I've been working on mixing down some tracks for a new worship album.  These are just a few i'm playing with.  You can also find these over on my AUDIO CLIPS page - which had some tragic errors in it - all should now be fixed with song titles pointing to correct tracks.Stronger Reign He Loves Hillsong) Song (Acoustic)
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A Look Back at the 80…

We had so much fun producing the 80 over the past three years.  Here's a look back at some of the ridiculousness…[vimeo w=451&h=250] 80 Retrospective from Oak Mountain Church on Vimeo.
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Monday Morning Recap for Sunday – October 7, 2012

I'm sure that worship went well yesterday at Oak Mountain - I wasn't there, as i was taking some time off with my wife - wonderful time spent at the beach.  I used to live in Iowa, and Minnesota, and Kansas, and even North Dakota - I can't remember if I felt I was missing something by not knowing what the Gulf Coast looked like - but the thought did cross my mind this past weekend.Anyway - here at Oak Mountain they opened with Because of Your Love.After the call to worship they sang I Am Free, Come Thou Fount,…
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Monday Morning Recap for Sunday – August 5, 2012

We're nearing the end of the summer, and the end of the Flayhart sabbatical - he'll be returning to the pulpit on Sunday August 26 - but you're not going to want to miss the next two weeks - Gordon Bals of Daymark Pastoral Counseling will be preaching - it's going to be tremendous.  Trust me.We opened last weekend with one of my favorite tunes - All Who Are Thirsty.  i love the prayer (chorus) "come Lord Jesus come"After our call to worship we sang Filled With Your Glory, Hosanna (Hillsong), Stronger, Rejoice the Lord is King, and You Never Let Go.Our…
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Thursday Thoughts 7.12.12

1.  Facebook needs a block filter that removes all complaints about the heat.2.  Gas prices rose 13 cents overnight.  Why can't I buy stock in gas prices?3.  Masterchef - one of the best shows on TV.4.  I think twitter is dumb.5.  There's no amount of tweeting, status updating, or emailing that will come close to the effectiveness of looking someone in the eye.
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