
I'm ready for American Idol to be done

I don't think that the show is encouraging the right things, especially in younger singers, who are hoping/trying/desiring to be a vocalist. I think the show is having a negative affect when it comes to "what sounds good." It's making kids think that they have to belt and scream in order to "have a good voice." Maybe I'm wrong, but none of the contestants do anything to show off a more delicate side of the voice. Women don't flip into their head voices, guys are screaming to hit high notes, and don't even get me started on Sanjaya. Seriously? Maybe…
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Spring Schedule for the OMPC Worship Ministry

Choir is taking a "pause" until the first week in June. We'll resume rehearsals on Wednesday, June 6, from 6-7. Childcare, drinks and snacks provided.April 29th - OMPC Dedication ServiceMay 6 at 6:00 PM - "Hans Bronson's Gold Medal Mission" presented by the OMPC Children's ChoirMay 13 - Youth Choir Leading in WorshipJune 24 - Clebe McCleary speaking in Worship, Choir leading in WorshipChoir takes a break for the month of JulyJuly 15 - 3rd Annual Bullfrog ChoirAugust 8th - Choir Resumes, preparing to lead in worship on - August 26th - Choir leads in worshipSeptember 5 - Choir Resumes…
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NASA Says . . .

that they're concerned because in 2010 they're going to shut down the space shuttle program, and won't have the new program up until 2015, so they'll have to rely on Russian technology to get supplies and personnel to the space station. The new program, they say, will be able to take us to the moon. Seriously, you have to ask yourself why they're going to shut our program down in order to build a vehicle that will take us to the moon. I thought we already went there?
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