I don’t talk much during worship. I give a greeting, and dismissal. Sometimes I’ll respond to a quip from one of our pastors from the pulpit, but other than the occasional prayer, or leading a responsive reading, creed, or confession, I don’t talk much. It’s just not my thing. If you take a look at the text that we’re injesting during a Sunday morning – the hymns, the choruses, and the preaching of the word, what more needs to be added? Nothing. Think about the inspiration of a song writer – whether it be a hymn writer from the 18th century, or Chris Tomlin, God specifically places an inspiration in a song-writer’s heart, and He emminates His prescence and his love through that inspiration. The only thing that extra babble can do is get in the way of what the text is already communicating.
Now – stemming from my other post – I don’t mind guys that do like to talk. It doesn’t send me into a rage – I love them as God has called me to love them. He’s using them in their churches to fulfill His purpose for people’s lives, so I certainly don’t find fault in it. It’s just not for me.
I love this about you. What you don't know is that you DO speak – through what songs you choose, which instruments play, what sounds resonate and which don't. You do speak. And you speak through your heart – just humble enough to know that the songs will carry themselves and do not need explanation. That the singers will be lead through the Holy Spirit and He does not need help, through the way that you personally worship in the midst of your production. It's all so dear. And so real. And such a part of what the Holy Spirit uses to love me every week.