
Picture of Faith – My Mantra

We took our 6 year-old to "Evan Almighty." I've already said that I think it's pretty cool how the director probably caught the insanity of God wanting Noah to build an ark. It hadn't ever rained on the earth, and Noah was building a huge boat . . . Anyway, at the climax of the movie - the part right where the bad guy (John Goodman) is yelling at Evan, and you don't know if it's going to rain, or not, and whether or not Even will just end up looking like a nut - she leans down and grabs…
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New Songs

To my mom, and the 4 other people that read this. We're going to be adding some new songs to the OMPC repertoire soon. Check out Tim Hughes's newest CD - Holding Nothing Back. We're going to use O Happy Day, Almighty God, and Everything.
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Andrew Peterson – Behold the Lamb

Andrew is coming to OMPC on Tuesday, December 11th. Tickets will go on sale in the fall. Carve it out on your calendar. He'll only be here for one night, one show. Tickets will be limited! Feel free to contact me with any questions or for more information.
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Old Text, New Tunes

Here's another alternative hymn tune project. I've been directly involved with this one, and we're launching a series of albums that will meet the needs of all sizes of congretations, worship styles, and leadership abilities. More info on the way . . .
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I'm not getting an iPhone

People keep asking me. I'm not getting one. I have a Treo650 that's pretty banged up, and I have an 80gb iPod that's got almost 70gb in music on it. Right now they're too small, and too expensive. Once they have storage of over 100gb for under $400, then I may . . .
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The Bullfrogs are Coming!

Guys - come join us next Sunday - July 15. You DON'T have to be a good singer. We're NOT singing hard music. We'll only be singing the same tune that you sing in the pew every Sunday morning. Open to all guys! Show up at 7:00, we'll go through the music, have some fellowship, donuts, and lead in worship. Email with any questions.
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Today in Sunday School . . .

one of the questions asked was "What cumbersome sin did Christ die to redeem your from" (paraphrase). Jim does a great job teaching - and the answers that came back were - well, big sins. Not specficically, but I think the majority of folks were thinking about sin in their life that is constantly haunting them, partly due to the size or impact of the sin on their walk, and their guilt.How about the little stuff? I think, especially in a grace-centered culture, in our paradigm of repenting, believing, and fighting, that the most cumbersome sins maybe those that AREN'T…
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Evan Almighty – Spoiler Alert!

I've been thinking about Evan Almighty - we had a chance to see it on Friday. It got horrible reviews - either because the critics didn't like Steve Carell, or because they weren't wanting something that you could take your kids to. But I think they did a great job. Granted there's some theological issues, God promised to not destroy the earth with another flood, etc. BUT, the thing that was great about the production was the fact that Evan was seen as crazy. He was asked by God to do something that was "so great it was doomed to…
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