
The Bullfrogs are Coming!

Guys - come join us next Sunday - July 15. You DON'T have to be a good singer. We're NOT singing hard music. We'll only be singing the same tune that you sing in the pew every Sunday morning. Open to all guys! Show up at 7:00, we'll go through the music, have some fellowship, donuts, and lead in worship. Email with any questions.
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Today in Sunday School . . .

one of the questions asked was "What cumbersome sin did Christ die to redeem your from" (paraphrase). Jim does a great job teaching - and the answers that came back were - well, big sins. Not specficically, but I think the majority of folks were thinking about sin in their life that is constantly haunting them, partly due to the size or impact of the sin on their walk, and their guilt.How about the little stuff? I think, especially in a grace-centered culture, in our paradigm of repenting, believing, and fighting, that the most cumbersome sins maybe those that AREN'T…
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Evan Almighty – Spoiler Alert!

I've been thinking about Evan Almighty - we had a chance to see it on Friday. It got horrible reviews - either because the critics didn't like Steve Carell, or because they weren't wanting something that you could take your kids to. But I think they did a great job. Granted there's some theological issues, God promised to not destroy the earth with another flood, etc. BUT, the thing that was great about the production was the fact that Evan was seen as crazy. He was asked by God to do something that was "so great it was doomed to…
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Evan Almighty

It's good. I think the critics weren't looking for something wholesome enough to take a 6-year-old to, but I think we'll be taking ours to see it. I'd like to hope that Steve Carell is a believer. I would imagine it'd be tough to make a movie like that - illustrating faith, without having that faith.
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Get Involved in the Worship Ministry

WORSHIP CHOIRWorship Choir is open to anyone - and I mean anyone. You DON'T have to have a great singing voice. You DON'T have to be able to read music. You DON'T have to make a lifetime commitment and give up every Wednesday night. You DO have to have a heart for worship, and a desire to get plugged into an exciting group of fellowship, community, and worship. We meet every Wednesday night from 6-7. If you have to be late? No problem, come when you can. Can't make it every Wednesday night? No problem, come when you can! Can't…
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Worship Staff at OMPC

Jason Sears - Worship Minister jsears [at] ompc [dot] orgWill Giuliani - Technical Director wgiuliani [at] ompc [dot] orgNatalie Valentine - Worship Ministry Assistant nvalentine [at] ompc [dot] orgMandy Sears - Children's Worship Director msears [at] ompc [dot] orgConnie Hale - School of Fine Arts Director chale [at] ompc [dot] orgJosh Vigneulle - Guitar Teacher/School of Fine Arts joshv [at] ompc [dot] org
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Florida doesn't have a motorcycle helmet law, but does have a seatbelt law. That's funny.And do riders that take their helmets off in "no-law" states, think that particular state has altered the laws of physics?
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This is what Oak Mountain is all about

Why is it that we run to the cross for our salvation, and run to pull up our boots for our sanctification. The Christian walk is changed, strengthened, and sanctified by the same Power that saves us.This is from Spurgeon's Morning and Evening - for Monday morning, April 23rd. Check it out. When someone asks you what is means to be saved and SANCTIFIED by grace - show them this:Romans 8:37 Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us.We go to Christ for forgiveness, and then too often look to the law for…
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New Kick Drum Mic

We tried out some new kick drum mics this week. We tested the Shure Beta 91 and the Audio Technica AE2500DE. The AT mic is a dual element mic, so more engineering would have to take place. It takes up two channels, and it has quite a bit of hype driving it in the audio world right now. One element picks up the "whoomf" of the kick, the other element (dynamic) picks up the attack of the beater. They are in perfect phase with each other, and, in theory, shouldn't need that much work to get the right sound.We placed…
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