
Planning for Christmas

So I'm in the middle of planning our Christmas season. It's always a humbling experience for me. The season of advent always seems to prompt me to reflect on the incredible grace found in the condescension of God to Earth; taking on the form of a baby; living a man's life, dying on the cross, in order to save ME from MY sins. And then, upon reflection of the manger, the humility, the rejection, the sacrifice (on the part of Joseph and Mary), the worship from the shepherds, angels, and wise men, I begin to realize, as if for the…
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Some Thoughts on That Contemporary Worship Stuff

Here's an interesting quote I dug up, regarding contemporary worship:“There are several reasons for opposing it: It’s too new. It’s too worldly, even blasphemous. The new Christian music is not as pleasant as the more established style and because there are so many new songs you can’t learn them all. It puts too much emphasis on instrumental music rather than on godly lyrics. This new music creates disturbances, making people act disorderly. The preceding generation got along without out.” This quote was made in 1723, in reference to Isaac Watts, writing "Joy to the World," and "I Sing the Mighty…
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The Hebrew Words for Praise, part IV

4.HALALScripture: 1 Chron. 16:4, 23:5,30, 25:3, 29:13, Neh. 12:24 (this word appears over 110 times in the OT) halal (haw-lal'); a primitive root; to be clear (orig. of sound, but usually of color); to shine; hence, to make a show, to boast; and thus to be (clamorously) foolish; to rave; causatively, to celebrate; also to stultify:KJV-- (make) boast (self), celebrate, commend, (deal, make), fool (-ish, -ly), glory, give [light], be (make, feignself) mad (against), give in marriage, [sing, be worthy of] praise, rage, renowned, shine.
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The 8:00 Problem

As we await the completion of our new sanctuary, and the opportunity to return to only two services on a Sunday morning, we have an 8:00 problem. The 8:00 service is awesome. It's a smaller crowd - first thing in the morning. To me, it seems more intimate, but that could be because of the initial worship time on a Sunday morning. Our 9:15 and 10:45 services are packed. And so, speaking of leading worship (in my last post), we're hoping that some of our families will take the opportunity to lead by starting to attend our 8:00 service for…
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Leading Worship

I observed a really cool conversation this morning between a choir member and a deacon. The choir member was talking about the service of the deacon - faithfully serving most Sunday mornings, doing the jobs no one else wants to do (arranging chairs, parking cars, cleaning up trash, counting people). It was neat to hear the heart of the choir member commenting on how the deacon led her in worship.Think about it - how many times have you considered your means of service on Sunday morning as leading in worship? You can lead in worship by keeping a nursery class,…
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My Standing Before the Throne

"When Satan tempts me to despair, and tells me of the guilt within, upward I look and see him there - who made an end to ALL my sin.  Because the SINLESS SAVIOR died, my SINFUL SOUL is counted FREE!  For the God, the Just, is satisfied, to look on Him and PARDON ME!"Thank you Jesus
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Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence

Check out these words . . . Let all mortal flesh keep silence,And with fear and trembling stand;Ponder nothing earthly minded,For with blessing in His hand,Christ our God to earth descendeth,Our full homage to demand.We're using this hymn as a part of our upcoming Christmas program. As I was arranging the tune for the choir today, I was struck by the worship perspective in this verse - keeping silent. Thinking of nothing on earth. Consumed with God's glory, with the realization that God came to Earth to demand our worship. WE WERE BORN TO WORSHIP. WE WERE CREATED TO WORSHIP.…
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Hebrew Words for Praise, Part III

3.BARAK - baw-rak - To kneel or to bow. To give reverence to God as an act of adoration. It implies to continual conscious giving place to God. Blessing the Lord, extolling virtue. There is a sense of kneeling and blessing God as an act of adoration in the word BARAK. Physical application - To bow, kneel or to do this with the intent in my heart that He is my KING and I yield to HIM. I am acknowledging Him as KING and GOD. SONG: BLESS THE LORD Scripture: Psalm 103 tells us how to bless the Lord and…
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We hung this banner up a couple years ago, to advertise that our Worship Choir was starting rehearsals again for our Palm Sunday program. So I noticed that if you stood at any given point within the breezeway, the light . . . . well . . . it blocked . . . ummm . . . .
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